Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dr Ben is Accepting New Patients...

So this week has been kind of interesting. I'm still in pain...thankfully it's fading and I've stopped walking with what can only be described as looking like a pregnancy waddle. It's awful...I'm getting paranoid that after having put on weight people will actually think I'm pregnant! It's not good. Had a couple of truly horrible days where the pain was just really intense. My little monster during this time has been extremely sweet and amusing. He's decided that as my parents have been away all week and he is the man of the house that it is his job to take care of me. Monster has this idea in his head that I have no one to take care of me and that it is his responsibility. It is quite sad that he thinks about it but it is also incredibly sweet. He is a very thoughtful wee soul.

So this week I have been getting taken care of in a very sweet and, at times, a very interesting way. So this is Dr Ben's breakdown of how to take care of one 'very old girl'...
1-Rub patients head every day, numerous times a day. Even if the pain is no where near the head. The benefits of this are 3 fold...1, get a lot of praise for doing this, 2, can turn it into a game to see how much make up you can rub off, 3 get to restyle patients hair to the way you want to make her look 'pretty'.
2- Rub patients tummy. This shows you're listening to the patient about the pain.
3 - Climb on top of patient to ensure patient is not asleep because you put Batman on for the patient to enjoy and you don't want her to miss the best part.
4 - Lie on top of patient. This keeps her warm...bonus if you can get up without kicking her in the tummy although admittedly more fun.
5 - Tell patient she looks very pretty...this helps with acquiring more candy.

And lastly my favourite of the bunch...

6 - When unable to sleep climb into bed with patient and wrap arms around patients waist. Enough said.

Monster has been keeping me highly amused all week. We've had numerous benisms.
While waiting at the front door for 5 minutes after having put on snow apparel
"Mommy hurry up I've been waiting here for a whole hour!"

While watching Max and Ruby
"Ruby looks funny and like a bunny" *looks at me* *looks at her* *looks at me* "She looks like you"

While watching the Justice League
"I'm gonna be Batman because he's cool and gooder. You can be that one (Martian Hunter) he looks weird and only wears underpants"

"Mommy, Isabelle said a naughty word"
"Oh really...what did she say?"
"She said 'toot'"
"Well Ben that's not really a bad word but it's just not very nice to tell people you did it"
"Yeah...I say it all the time"

"Mommy I don't want to grow up...when you grow up you forget everything like you. But I'm little and I remember EVERYTHING!"
"No kidding"

"When I grow up I'm gonna marry granny"
"I don't think you can...they don't really allow things like that"
"But why...she knows how to play Batman..."

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