I think I've been going pretty well at this whole blogging thing this time around. It's usually a bit of a mix between sarcastic rants, things I find that are nice and my son's little things that I want to write somewhere where I can always see them. However todays is a little more personal...
I was sitting in church this morning and realising that as the elder read a hymn out that thanksgiving is pretty much the equalivalent toharvest in the U.K. Although I think I like thanksgiving better because when I was sitting there I was thinking of all the things I need to be thankful for. The whole point I know...but harvest just really doesn't convey it as well. The more I sat there and thought the more I realised just how much I have to be thankful for. I mean, I know not everyone reading this won't know the ins and outs of my life but to say that the past 5 or more years have been easy would be a far understatement. So todays post is my chance to say thanks to those who've stuck with me unwaiveringly through everything from being pregnant in a country with none of my family, to getting married, to my less than nice relationship (putting it delicately), to my marriage falling to bits, through getting my son status in this country, to rebuilding my life...and everything before, after and in between. So here it goes..in no order.
To my parents....geez I've put you both through more than your fair share of stress, headaches and worry. I know we don't always see eye to eye but you've always been there for me through everything. Without you both I'd be sunk. I don't think my mum will ever know how much I appreciated every single letter and phone call when I was in Scotland or when she sat with me when my ex left. I can be the worst daughter in the world at times and not really show how much I appreciate everything my parents have done for me...and I'm sure there's more than I know, but I really do know that I love them and wouldn't be where I am today without them.
My wider family (especially my Auntie Stella)...Thank you for all your support with every move, every event, everything...countless letters and emails.
Naomi..."Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies". It's been 12 years...I think we've fallen out 3times...wow. You're my best friend and to say you've been supportive is an understatement. I dunno how many phonecalls I made to you from Scotland and you were there every time. I love you. Dr Pepper forever! Btw...I think Shane got the best wife in the world...you're a perfect pair.
Becca and Rebecca...how many miles apart are we and we're still in touch. Thanks for sticking by me and making everything a little more bearable. I miss you guys!!
Rob, Courtney, Cheryl, Racquel, Rob and Shawn...I love you guys. No one could ask for a better group of friends. You're my ongoing support through a lot of hard stuff. When I sent that one email to Andrew to get involved in a small group I didn't realise quite what I'd let myself in for...but I would never in a million years take it back. I'm so glad you're my friends and my family.
To all my friends in between...too many to mention individually. I love you all for everything you've done and all the help you've been. From just listening, to helping me, to making me laugh and challenging me.
To Ben...Thank you for letting me be your mommy. Thank you for forcing me to grow up and for shaping who I am. I love you and can't wait to watch you grow into an even more amazing person. You are everything to me.
To God...Thank you for never giving up on me even though I wandered far away from you. Thank you for blessing me with so many amazing people in my life and for giving me some of the greatest gifts I've ever received. Thank you for being my strength and carrying me through the hard stuff. Thank you for your never ending love.
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