So I was talking to my best friend and reminiscing about old times together. Particularly a trip we made when I was at university. It was nothing big or fancy...she came over for a week before university ended for the summer so we could drive home together. It was great though and one of the best times of my life. I think it was the haze of dr pepper, melted chocolate, chocolat, Amelie and Breakfast at Tiffany's that added to it's brillance. I was totally overloaded with work that I had to have handed in before the week was over. I was working on my final designs but hadn't finished all of my back up work...I'm not a methodical worker at all apparently. So since Naomi used to do art and was better at drawing than I was she actually helped with some of the back up drawings (Cheers!!). The projects I was doing was based on comfort eating (the theme was comfort) so I had a lot going on with chocolate which, of course, required a lot of experimentation and melted chocolate. I did have a lot of this done before Naomi came over but it's so much more fun when there's two people to mess about with chocolate and go to the supermarket at 1am to binge buy sweets....shop assistants don't look at you as weirdly when there's two of you. So during the day when I was at uni she'd draw the sweet wrappers for me (left over carnage from the night before). Then at night we'd watch films and melt copious amounts of chocolate while I mixed pva and brown paint together and dripped it over fabric. I was never really the drawing type (unlike Naomi)...give me a vat of PVA glue any day!
The drive home was...interesting...both of us were tired and found EVERYTHING hilarious. That...and the large quantities of Dr Pepper we consumed. I think it was partly that drive which made the trip one of the best ever. So in tribute to Naomi and our trip 5 years ago....I stole from her blog some of our totally ridiculous phrases from our journey home...and a picture from our favourite part of Nightmare Before Christmas...note, we were fans before it was the big massive emo tweeny bopper thing to love.
Random things said/seen while in Scotland:
"Look at you being all 'Look at me.'"
"Just 'cos MY nose is small and dainty."
"Well done...want a hula hoop?"
"I have an urge to say 'Your mum is like Juliette Binoche.'
Tiredness can kill.
"Sorry, got distracted by a comfortable bush."
"I keep wanting to take off my shoes, but I know that's 'cos I'm thinking 'What are you doing in bed with your shoes on?'"
Retarded thing Clo said last night while watching the spides leave the Lisburn Omniplex car park: "They're all moving, it's like a little herd. Oh wait...that's the road."
Naomi...I was also just thinking remember Underworld...it was so sequins. Lol months of sending sequins and sparkily paper in the mail.
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