So I think we've established I don't like elevators. Now I suspect that the ones in work know I don't like them...either that or maybe gremlins exist. Either way...something was responsible for my blind panic earlier.
I get into the elevator on my own...kind of normal and fine. Took a long time to come but such is life. So I hit the button for floor number 4. Doors shut and it starts to move...then...suddenly out of the blue all the buttons light up out of no where! Petrified...I can almost hear horror music in the background (you know the kind from an old Alfred Hitchcock film). So it stops at 2...I get out. I think it's blantantly obvious that I'm not trusting this elevator to actually reach my floor and it's just gonna be me stuck in a small place with little air which makes it so much worse. The only thing worse would be if the man who says "I know where you're going" when I go to the washroom was there too.
So floor number 2 I discovered has nothing on it. Unlike my floor it doesn't really have a corridor. It has about enough room for the elevators and then a locked glass door at either side which you need a passcard for. So basically I've come from one confined space to another one. I press the button to go up and wait....and wait....and wait some more. I have no idea how many times I pressed the button but the more I descended into panic that I'd be stuck in the space and no one seemed to be about the worse I got. And I started to feel really hot all of a sudden...paniced and hot(not in the attractive way). Then I started to think that I bet when an elevator does come it'll just the the same on I got off and it'll be waiting for me to press a button and then I'll be stuck again with a big illuminated panel.
So I hear the ding...and you guessed it...same elevator. However this time it has people in it. So I'm kind of half shamed to get into it since there is no where to hide to pretend I hadn't pressed the button and wait for another one. Safety in numbers and all that...less air but if it breaks maybe they'd rescue us faster since there's more of us. Thankfully I reach the 4th floor!!! I just have to get home now. Seriously maybe it's a shared thing...they know I don't like them so they don't like me either.
And no...it's not an irrational fear...all my fears are rational and sane...just don't every shut me in and elevator with fish, birds and vantriloquist dummies....that's all I ask...not a lot really.
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