Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

It’s been a pretty busy weekend. Ben had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheeses on Saturday for the afternoon so I had to run out that morning and find a present, card and wrapping paper which wasn’t Christmas since that’s all I have. However before that I had to go sign up with the gym because I am determined to lose that 27lbs I gained and also to just get fit....ask me in a month if I’m still so determined...

Now as most people who know me can tell you, me and kids are kind of hit and miss. I LOVE my own and have a ton of fun with him but generally I’m really not a kid kind of person. I do appear to be like a child magnet at’s nearly like they sense it. So I have one child...I’m used to one child. So you can imagine how scary walking into a room full of a hundred sugar filled hyper kids is. Wow...I did not realise it was possible to scream/shout/yell that loud. There appeared to be around 6 birthday parties going on alongside the normal customers. Parents walking around looking bored out of their tree or telling their child to be patient and wait...which didn’t work.
Now I did consider Chuck E Cheese’s for Ben’s birthday party...but to be honest the cost is just so enormous. Since his dad refused to contribute in any way to the birthday party it was really just too much on my own. Well after having seen this birthday party I’m glad I didn’t. The kids had an awesome time and I’m not knocking that at all. However, the parents had clearly paid for a premium package but seemed to get treated the same way as the other groups who hadn’t. Due to their being 6 birthdays they combined the birthday songs and meeting Chuck E Cheese (which you know, seeing a fat mouse in a baseball cap is the centre of this whole thing) so each party literally got only a few minutes of mouse time. It just seemed like such a rip off for what you got. The kids did have a great time which is the point...and I had a totally knackered little boy by the end of the day. However, it reinforced that I’m glad I did Ben’s Pirate themed birthday at was worth repainting a wall and having pringles smooshed into my carpet because he actually had more fun.

As everyone knows yesterday was I have to admit I’m not pleased it was on a Sunday and I love that our church does superhero Sunday on Halloween for the kids to still dress up in a non scary way. I’m teaching Ben this is merely a fun meaningless holiday because to me that’s what it is. The scariness and gore is meant to be fun and I want him to see it as that and nothing more. We did our trick or treating as a fireman and a black cat and he collected a lot of candy from just two streets...that’s all we do because I think that is plenty for a 5 year old. I’m teaching him it’s a fun holiday and fun to decorate for BUT the big holiday in our home is Christmas. I’m like the Christmas child...I love it. Everything about Christmas is so much fun and such a great reminder of how great that time of year is. While Ben is all chat about Santa, I do make sure he’s aware of the real reason for the season. This year because he’s older I am going to push it a lot more with him being doing some arts and crafts which relate to the Christmas story...I’ll post up anything I find useful!

For now, for anyone who doesn’t know....Lowes hold Build and Grow Clinics. These are completely free and your child learns to use a hammer. They receive and apron and goggles which they get to keep and a kit to build. Once it’s built they receive a badge to be sewn onto their apron and a certificate to say they completed it. Ben loves it! Last time he made a bat so when he got home he coloured it in. Make sure you call a week in advance to reserve your place at a 10am or 11am slot. You can find more information here -

Note online sign up is for U.S. only.

Remember to keep an eye on my other blog for updates from Lucky 7 Designs!


  1. Hi stopping by from the Cornucopia of Blog Hops...I am you newest follower.

    My hubs and I are signing up for the gym tomorrow too. I need to lose 20 lbs and he just wants to be fit...lucky men and their fantastic metabolism :) Wish you well in losing your last 20something lbs too!


  2. I totally understand! I love kids, but in small doses, lol! We also have one and we are very used to it! I am stopping by from the Cornucopia Blog Hop! Hope you will visit us at Just Married with Coupons

    Have a lovely Monday!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog on Monday's Cornucopia Blog Hop - I'm now following you back!

  4. I agree with you...My kids love home parties way more than a busy place like chucky cheese ! I agree for Halloween too...I like it cute and fun !
    Love Christmas....It is so different with kids...So much fun !
    I am your newest follower from the blog hop and would love for you to come over to my blog and follow back :)
    Happy week end !

  5. Hello! I am your newest follower! You have a great blog here.

    Come visit and follow me too if you would like! :)

  6. Thanks everyone for following :)

    Nanny Anna - I hope you lose it. I'm down 3lbs so far...and in copious amounts of pain!

    Just Married with Coupons - I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking that in small doses is great!

    Erika - Thanks for the follow back!

    Frenchy - I T-otally agree! Christmas is definately more fun with kids. I was losing my Christmas spirit (which if you knew me well is quite unbelievable) until I had my monster! Now I love it again and am so excited for Decemeber!!

    Sally - Thanks! I'll hop on over and check yours out.

    Have a great week everyone!!

  7. I love the Lowes workshops for kids, I think it is so cute watching all of them creating their crafts.

    Following you from the Cornucopia Blog Hop!~Lisa
    I am all a twitter about life

  8. It really is...although I hate how my child gets to see how I always manage to put the thing together wrong. Unlike his granda!
    Thanks for the follow Lisa. Nice to see you on this blog as well as my other :)

  9. I'm your newest follower from Cornucopia blog hops
