As I had mentioned the past few weeks have been pretty chronic. I did find out the source of my pain and am on new antibiotics...happy happy joy joy. I’m just hoping these do not make me so ill this time...I have work I need to do for the Marmee’s Circle Tradeshow so need to be able to do it! Don’t forget to check out my webpage and blog for new products!!
So this week I did get a nice surprise...a couple actually (yay!). I came home from work a couple of days ago to find my brand spanking new business cards had arrived...so pretty. I also got my car sticker and my address labels. The cards make me feel a little more official now. I’m not writing my details on a random receipt I turf out of my bottomless handbag...people do not need to see that I bought copious amounts of reduced bread from metro. I LOVE bread...but that’s a different story and also why I’ll never be skinny! I have the website and the business cards now...it feels like a more firm step forward in the right direction. I also got them in lots of time for the tradeshow which is perfect. I just hope everything takes off.
So this week I did get a nice surprise...a couple actually (yay!). I came home from work a couple of days ago to find my brand spanking new business cards had arrived...so pretty. I also got my car sticker and my address labels. The cards make me feel a little more official now. I’m not writing my details on a random receipt I turf out of my bottomless handbag...people do not need to see that I bought copious amounts of reduced bread from metro. I LOVE bread...but that’s a different story and also why I’ll never be skinny! I have the website and the business cards now...it feels like a more firm step forward in the right direction. I also got them in lots of time for the tradeshow which is perfect. I just hope everything takes off.
My other nice surprise was that my new Amazon Kindle arrived. Now, I have to admit when digital book readers first made their way onto the market I was kind of a bit meh about them. To my friends and people who know me quite well they’ll know I have a bookshelf in my house overflowing with books. I also have a basket of books waiting to be read beside my bed. To further increase my stock I trade books with my mum. I love to read. I love to escape into a book for a while and have a break from life as I know it. My bookshelf overflows with books from many, many different backgrounds. I’ll admit the heaviest presence on the shelves is that of art books. From books on artists like Toulouse Lautrec and Giotto to books from museums like the Louvre and even an out of print book on the nude I have a lot of art books. The variance on my shelves is quite dramatic. I have recipe books, comic romance novels by Irish writers, biographies, true crime and a whole shelf of children’s books for my monster. (I was reluctant to give up the shelf but I guess I had to at some point). Our house is full of books hidden everywhere.
To me, I love having a book in my hand. A visible feasible work of art that I can flick through the crumpled pages and see the words divided into paragraphs and chapters. I love my bookshelf and all the books contained in it. I keep my books after I read them so I can re read them at a later date. Everything in its place...somewhere and in pristine condition...I’m weird like that. So as you can imagine the idea of not having a paper copy in front of me kind of jarred with my outlook. Until...I got my Kindle. You see, I’m not ready to give up my books and I’ll still buy a book I love. However my kindle enables me to travel without having a massive book in my bag. It’s so simple and I can have all these books loaded onto it and switch at any time. There’s another benefit to this... did you know Amazon has free books for it. You can add so many classics for free! I have some Thomas Hardy, some Beatrix Potter and some Homer all contained within this little piece of technology...and it cost me nothing. Classics at my fingertips. I did however buy a book, one I have been searching for, for quite a while. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote was my first purchased eKindle book. I also have the Bible on it...I can flick between the books and chapters so easily it’s great! ...and it was free! It also has the ability to read to you...although it sounds a little weird..but great when your eyes are tired.
It’s quite nifty I will admit. I do like it and I would encourage other people to get one...however don’t give up your paper copies of your favourites! Sometimes it’s still a lovely feeling to curl up in a seat with a book and feel the pages. I refuse to let my love of books die.
Hello....very impressed with your design AND content. Like your writing style, too. So I am following you from some blog hop and wishing you well!
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ReplyDeletenew follower through friendly friday!
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happy weekend!
thank you for joining in my Friday Blog Hop for for following, I am now a follower! Please come back & link up Monday to Cornucopia of Blogs Hop! Have a great weekend! :)
ReplyDeleteNicole :)
New follower from the hops. Stop over my blog and say hi sometime. When you’re there be sure to check out my very FIRST giveaway. Low entries, easy submission and the prize is awesome. See you soon!
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