I think this driving pet peeve is one everyone can sympathize with...unless you are the source of my pet peeve. Every monday to friday I embark on a 35-45 minute drive to work along a very busy highway. Admittedly I'm not the most patient person when it comes to driving but I just find my drive to work totally boring and tedious. It's nearly all highway and for the most part has 2-3lanes all heading in the same direction. You would think that having this many lanes the traffic would move fairly rapidly which, on occassion it does...that is until mr 'let's only do the speed limit or lower' comes along and sits in the fast lane. Suddenly you can add a good 10-15 minutes extra onto my journey...not amused.
What is particularly annoying about these people is that the other two lanes are the slower lanes and continue on at the speed they were doing, which is totally acceptable...except they now happen to be going faster than the cretin who has just pulled out in front of my car. It makes it so much worse when they add insult to injury and actually do lower than the speed limit. Then just when they pick up speed and they pass the cars in the slow lane...thank goodness! So you (and the majority of drivers behind you)stick on your indicator, drop a gear and decide to go into the slow lane to pass...Fatal mistake...you shouldn't have indicated...because as soon as you pull into the lane their car magically acquires super speed and they zoom in infront of you. So there you are stuck in the slow lane behind mr break pedal.
I think what makes this whole thing so much worse is that a lot of the drivers who do this actually drive decent fast cars but just don't use them. This happened with a mustang...I drove past muttering that the car was wasted on them. Although I'm sure the driver that was stuck immediately after them was muttering a whole lot worse.
Seriously though if you're one of these people do us all a favour and stop being an idiot. The car behind you blarring their horn, flashing their lights, riding on your bumper with the slightly posessed looking driver is just trying to tell you to get out of the way...take the hint.
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