So I haven't been on here for a little while. Life kind of got in the way on that one. I've been busy with work although it's been good. I've been working with one of the directors who's a friend on a new training manual. He does all the hard stuff and I do the diagrams...suits me. It's good though because I'm doing something worthwhile and learning at the same time so I enjoy it. Although I think I revealed my true geeky side. Most people who know me quite well will know I'm totally disorganised and have numerous to do lists which never get done. However, when it comes to presentations and meetings and stuff like that I love making booklets and spreadsheets. It's a horrible affliction but I think I just see it like a big project. It makes people think for about two minutes that I'm super organised until they open drawers of my office desk and see all the paperwork I've momentarily (or forever) hidden. Reminds me of when the flat we lived in in Scotland was up for sale and I used to hide the ironing in the cupboard so that people who were coming to see it wouldn't see the 3 weeks worth of ironing I had. Ironing is the bain of my existance, I'm not like my mum at all and do not find it in the least bit therapeutic. I'd rather eat my own eye out with a spoon than do ironing even if it does make the sheets and my clothes feel so much nicer....it's momentary.
After being busy with work and just before the training meeting I developed a lovely cold complete with cough, sneezing and runny red nose...all the attractive stuff. I have to say the most lovely part about having the cold at the minute apart from the assumption from 75% of people that you've suddenly contracted H1N1 is how people behave towards you. Since when did everyone get so OTT about germs. I mean I just love being made to feel like I have the plague when people shake my hand or touch something I've used and then visibly santize their hands afterwards. I think it's kinda mean and like telling someone they repulse you. I've touched you and now I need to clense myself of your cooties. What happened to when people were kids and used to wipe their noses on their sleeves? I think we should ban hand sanitizer then I can infect you all with my cold and make you all feel super attractive with sneezing and snot.
The Urban Dictionary paints the image the best...
Snot Monster - When someone is so blocked with mucus that they're dripping or spraying snot everywhere, but they have no choice and have to go to work, college, or the pub. Thusly end up gifting their infectious disease to all and sundry.
In amongst my sickness and work I did make it out to two Santa Parades. The one where we live was great. Ben turned 4 at the start of October so he's properly excited about Christmas and Santa this year. My dad had man-flu so my mum and I took Ben to both parades this year. The local one had loads fo fire engines and firemen so Ben was so excited and telling me how he wants to be a fireman...knowing my son he's more likely to be starting the fires than putting them out. The Toronto Parade was horrendous. We got there early...which you have to do to be able to see anything only to be met with a family who put out 8 lawn chairs behind the barricade which made it kind of difficult to find space. We'd taken Ben's stroller since he's only ickle and being a long day it's good to have somewhere where he can sit if need be. Well we ended up leaving early. We got shoved by this group of non english speaking idiots. Santa parades are really for kids so I think that you should really let kids be able to see...these people did not agree. There was a youngish guy standing pushing my mum (who was holding Ben) out of the way. Some large stunted woman in a raspberry coloured coat who was related to the guy was shoving me. I think it was just as well we left because I was minutes away from turning around and telling her to remove whatever it was that she was sticking up my ass or I'd be calling one of the policemen over to have her charged with assult. Then we missed the train by 1 minute and had to wait an hour on the next one to have to stand the whole way home...was NOT a good day. Oh and to top it off I had to keep messaging Ben's dad to put off the time when he could speak to him on webcam because of the delays only for him to be bitchy back and tell me it's just as well he didn't have any plans....I was pretty sure Ben should come first but that's him. I got our annual santa parade photo though and I think mum and I have vowed never to do that again.

Then lastly in my catch up on all the weeks, I decided that I wasn't sick and in pain enough and booked to have two tattoos done last Thursday because that's what you do when you're sick. So I got one done on the opposite side of my back from my lucky number 7...I was all happy because I've wanted it for 9 years but it was frickin sore. Being sick and sitting leaning to the side for an hour is not the most enjoyable. I gave the guy that does mine some free reign with my wrist tattoo which I hadn't done with the other three but just specified no colour and told him roughly what I wanted...ended up I love it and want to get my other wrist done too. I know people say 'won't you regret the tattoos when you're older??' but I figure I'm 24...I have quite a few years before I'm really old and by the time I reach 60/70/80 there will probably be a ton of old people covered in tattoos with holes in numerous parts of their bodies. As long as I like them then that's all that matters....and half of mine are covered anyway.

I'm with you on the germ thing. I put my hand on the reception desk at the gym, the secretary sprayed disinfectant on the area as I left. She then wiped it with an antibacterial wipe, and dried it with a cloth. I didn't have a cold.
ReplyDeleteSee to me that is like the ultimate in being rude and a tad excessive.