So my friend Rob kind of put me to shame. He went and decided to some what face his fear. He is extremely scared of bugs and creepy crawlies. We egged each other on a bit and teased each other which resulted in me emailing him pictures of oversized bugs and in retaliation he sent me a picture of the world's greatest goldfish. Advantage for him was that he got his wife to open my emails first. I have also threatened to bring jars of spiders to his house and he's threatened to pay the postman to put a large fish in my post box.
To show me up he informs me on Thursday night that he managed to watch a whole T.V. programme about bugs without totally wigging himself out. Rob and Courtney have a fish tank in their house but as much as I managed was having a plush fish sitting on the table staring at me...and it didn't even look like a fish. So I started thinking about how I can make steps to overcoming a little bit of my fear. To be honest I'd rather not but I'd also like to not freak out at T.V. programmes about fish or the goldfish section of the pet store. So this was my plan of attack...
1 - buy empty goldfish bowl
2 - get comfortable with the bowl approximately 2months
3 - put water in bowl
4 - get comfortable with bowl, water and changing water approximately 4 months
5 - buy wind up plastic fish
6 - bask in the wonder that is my new aquarium and my first steps to becoming non fish phobic
7 - replace fish when rusty
I thought this might possibly be an ingenious solution to progressing in dealing with my fear and also showing Rob that I too can semi face my fears.
Then...I thought about it some more.
Then I realised that someone might mistake my progression for my want for a real fish and buy me an actual real live goldfish. I especially run this risk because based on my approximate time calculations before buying the wind up fish it is 6 months...6 months takes us May which is my birthday. I DO NOT want a goldfish for my birthday.
So I'm back to rethinking my plan.
Maybe I could manage a wind up fish in a cup of water on my desk...