I’ve been pretty busy over the past few weeks for a few reasons...
Firstly my little monster started school. Ben being the social butterfly that he is was totally fine with this whole concept of going to school and making new friends. I, on the other hand wanted to cry. It’s suddenly hit me how much he’s grown up *sniff* *sniff* Despite not having been in J.K last year he seems to be doing pretty well...except for one little thing...
We’re rushing out of the house one morning...running a little late (not like me at all...really). Ben’s all sorted...uniform on, breakfast eaten, morning allotment of Handy Manny done and faux-hawk in place...except for his boxers on backwards. After a heated discussion on the topic I decided to choose my battles and let it fly. I however am not quite so organised quelle surprise. I have make up on (might not look up to par but it’s on), hair sorted, I’m wearing clothes (they might not match) and I have shoes...go me! I’m getting into the car and accidentally catch my finger in the door and say ‘crap!’. I’d like to clarify I don’t believe crap is a swear word...words like s**t are. However, my son repeats it and laughs....I’m off to a great start. I don’t want him to repeat this at school just in case someone else would find it offensive. So the conversation ensues....
‘Ben don’t say that. It’s not very nice and could hurt someone’s feelings then you’d end up in the principal’s office’ (and mommy would be getting told off)
‘Mommy you don’t go to the principal’s office. You go to the chair’
‘The chair? Like the naughty chair?’
‘Ben...how do you know about the chair? Have you been on the chair?’
‘yep’ (oh great)
‘Why were you on the chair?’
‘I was being silly’
‘ok...have other children been on the chair’
‘Yeah...I had to get off to let them on’ (*rolls eyes* oh brother...)
Thankfully it turns out the school doesn’t have a naughty chair after I asked his teacher. When a child gets excited or such like they’re asked to go sit on their chair or to sit on it properly. *phew* No principal’s office yet.
Although, the little monster was on a roll last week... We went to register with a doctor and I got the string of 20 questions...but one in particular struck a cord with Ben...
‘Do you smoke?’
‘Yes she does. Me and Granny and Granda went to our house and it smelt like SMOKE!!’
‘No...I do not smoke.’
‘She does.’
‘No I don’t...honestly.’
THIS is when the doctor gives me a look as if to say ‘sure...and I’m the Queen’.
Secondly, the reason for my MIA status is that I have been busy working on Lucky 7 Designs.

A few months ago a friend of mine approached me regarding a website and group/network that she wanted to launch. Marmee's Circle is a group of women who make amazing crafts. Everything is very different and handmade. Luckily for me she asked me to be involved in her launch by featuring Lucky 7 Designs as one of the designers. This meant I had to do a lot of updating of my blog, facebook and actually get some cards ready since my stock had dwindled. Myrtle has been unbelievable really...she’s pulled together this fantastic group of women and has pushed all of our products to the max....I owe her!
On Monday night she had the official launch party. All her blood, sweat and tears were suddenly starting to pay off. I suddenly realised that my designs are actually popular and people do want to buy them. This part was kind of foreign to me before if I’m honest because to me they’re my designs so I don’t see them in the same way as other people. The night was pretty successful on a few fronts. Myrtle has been fantastically supportive and inspirational. Her ideas are really quite fantastic.
I met another fantastic designer...and I do mean fantastic. CherryApple Art makes these amazing hair pieces and necklaces. The really funny thing is...we’ve been going to the same church for a few years and never knew each other but 4 months ago I saved one of her pieces listed on Etsy (also a very cool website) to my favourites on my computer! She’s one smart cookie and I got some major inspiration from seeing her products. I hope she expands her range because she has so much potential to take it ALOT further.

Since the launch party and talking to Myrtle and Rebecca (CherryApple Art) I decided it was time to either put my all in or stay put. Since Myrtle has sunk her all into pushing Lucky 7 Designs. I felt it was time for me to do the same. I am now the proud owner of a domain name...even though I am website illiterate and have a habit of breaking all technological equipment. I also have a pretty jazzy wee logo. My blog has been overhauled completely with new photos and for the first time I am actually proud of my little venture. I just hope it grows.
I planted the seed...the water has been added...the results will probably vary...
Oh Chloe I am so proud of you! You ARE that amazing! I love that you are so talented and committed. So glad you are part of the circle. The logo looks perfect and I love the blog. You go girl and go some more. You'll see... just you wait!
ReplyDeleteThanks Myrtle...like I said....I OWE YOU!
ReplyDeleteI can't really believe it's all taking off.