So on sunday the 23rd I shall officially be 25.
I made the horrible discovery that some how along the way to being a quarter of a century old I had managed to grow up. It was kinda sneaky and crept up on me.
One minute there was the whole having a baby thing...kinda scary at 20 when you're not really big into kids (However, he's quirky and weird and I get him because he's mine).
Next there was the whole getting married thing (note to anyone reading this...don't marry a twat).
Then this was followed by the disintegration of said marriage (twat found fellow twat like female to frolick with).
Then there was the move to another country... "oh Canada..."
Fifth up we have the acquisition of a career...like an actual proper one with a pension and meetings and a boss.
Then due to the career there was the car with car payments (Thor is very much worth it though).
More recently there was the house...mortgage payments, bills and insurance and what not...that's a major grown up step.
Lastly there's the divorce (Yay!!)
So I fitted all of that stuff in and then I realised that wait...that all this contributes to growing up and this life experience stuff.
AND THEN...the even more startling realisation....
I can no longer use the term "when I grow up" because technically I already am!!!