I haven't been on here for a while...kind of neglected it a little since work got hectic for me then I set off on an adventure with my son and parents to Georgia for Christmas. It's been a really good Christmas and Ben was super excited about Santa...although it didn't make him behave any better. Somehow it didn't seem to be much of a threat that Santa wouldn't come if he was a naughty boy. It would've been a tad cruel if Santa hadn't come as well so despite the tantrums of a 4 year old he got his fire truck, which looks awesome!
We just had a normal little family Christmas with presents and lots of food etc. However I made this really stupid decision to start my diet just before Christmas. So currently I get to see the Christmas food and try to refrain from eating it. Not going too badly though since I'm down 7lbs. It's killing me though, especially since Christmas always is the time of year with the best food. However the need to fit into my clothes really overtook the need to stuff my face with sweets and feel like an even bigger pie lol.
The after Christmas sales this year are a tad disappointing I have to admit. I did get a pre lit Christmas tree for next year for $50 so I guess I can't complain too much. However I was most miffed today at one store which had a sign outside saying 'additional 50% off all holiday motif', considering yesterday they had 50% off you would think that it would be 50% with an 'additional' 50% off. But no it was just 50% off they said they didn't know why it said additional. So considering that that is what it said on massive signs everywhere and they hadn't changed the offer from the day before except by adding 'additional' you would think that that is kind of false advertising...you would think...
Anyway...hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has an awesome new year!!