Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't lie to's not smart...

I know everyone has those companies they deal with that when you talk to them in your head you're thinking 'that's the biggest pile of crap I've ever you think I'm an idiot??'. Mine is currently the company who is selling me my house. I would name and shame but I do want it built at some point.
I was meant to be moving in to my house in November but got a lovely letter to say that won't be happening until March. Which is nearly 2 years after I had originally signed the paperwork...lovely. So I had a 'structural appointment'...and took my dad...have to bring the muscle lol. So They tell me they need me to decide on structural alterations that day and sign the document...oh and pay...not a lot to ask really. So I say no I want to think about some of them. So they push and push and she says they need this done because they're starting the construction. To which my dad informs her we live down the road from the site and we know that they hadn't even put the sewer system in. her there. So she agrees I can have a week. So after a week she tells me she needs me to sign more documents and she'll send me them in an email. Funny thing is this email never arrives. So 11 days later I get the email. After I call her 3 times and leave messages and eventually get her. To make matters worse...she's really rude to me telling me how she'd sent it and I hadn't replied...only nice when she realises she messed up and never sent the email!
So you're sensing my annoyance...well she really took the biscuit when she calls 3 days after she sends the email telling me I have to send the info back today (after telling me to take my time because she was busy) and when I said I couldn't she tells me it has to be today because 'they're breaking the ground' (now haven't we heard that somewhere before). Now this is the best bit....what I'm signing and sending back to her says I want a security system and a soaker how do either of those actually affect 'breaking the ground' tub is on the 3rd frickin floor!! I'd be worried if that affected the breaking of the ground since I wasn't told it was gonna be on ground level.
I fail to see why the response had to be today and not monday... seriously I can tell she's lying...just sayin... *frustration*

You really have to wonder sometimes....

So my friend in work sent an email around the office with some funny clippings from newspapers. But seriously...sometimes you really have to ask yourself are people this stupid...

Do you have issues?...really...think about it...

It's been one of those mornings...really truely did not go to plan. It was like a hideous mesh of bad decisions. However the crowning glory of the whole kit and kaboodle was the car in front.

So we're stuck behind a construction truck...going about 50...fair enough but it moves into the right lane as soon as the road goes from one lane to two lanes which is nice. So you'd think we'd all pass....but no...the car in front continues to do the same speed. Then there's lights and we stop so I think ok, surely we'll pass the truck...but no...oh no wait we did but we were doing 60 in an 80 and the car was crawling. I was running late for work so first chance I got I pulled out past the car and in front of the truck in an attempt to pass the car. Yeah...would've worked had the driver of the car not been an idiot and decided to speed up. I was doing a substantial speed (lets not name numbers) and he was going faster than I was to make sure I couldn't pass and therefore couldn't get back into the lane because when I slowed down to get back in behind him...he slowed down!! I got stuck behind a further two construction trucks. So he shot off in the other lane. When I eventually got back into the fast lane I caught up with him...not intentionally, believe me if I'd had a chocie nowhere near him would be good. So the majority of the way to work (going a decent speed) anytime I got close to him he would bolt and when he was away from me he'd slow down...this was nothing do with the other traffic on the road this was just some weird thing he had about not being near my car because the road was clear so there was no need for the irratic behaviour.

Seriously did want to ask him "Do you have issues???...really, you must have.."
Kinda like when I was tempted to get out of the car at traffic lights and say to the driver in front "I believe the pedel your looking for is the would be the one next to the pedel you constantly have your foot on..."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ok so I know I'm a 'foreigner' but really I don't think my accent is that hard to understand. I know some words cause people difficulty in understanding and I know which words they are...usually numbers. Particularly 2 and 3 whereby people think the number 2 is the number 3. I had one such person today...I even spelled it out T-W-O and he thought I said 00... I mean come on!!! It is not difficult to understand. And then after going through a gruelling conversation where I tried to tell him the number was 2 8 not 3 8 I gave up and said yeah ok and he said "That's what I told you!!??!'...but it was me giving him the number!!! Just when I thought it was over he calls back and tells me the number is for the hospital and asks me for the number again so I repeat it again (now I should point out that the guy is a foreigner too and his accent is not the easiest to understand...BUT at least my primary language is english). So we go on the repeating venture again. I offer numerous times to get the guys to call him instead but get told point blank no he's going to call him. So the guy keeps saying he can't understand me and can he speak to someone else. I had to keep saying no there's just was awful and he was so rude!!! It's 2...2...TWO!!!! NOT HARD!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I love him...

"Mommy you're my superhero because you save me everyday....and I'm the fireman with the big fire truck!"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Hairband....

Matthew - What's with the hairband?

Me - He likes it. They painted his face and used it to push his hair back and now he likes it because it keeps the hair out of his face.

Matthew - So he's obessessed with men and wears hairbands

Me - David Beckham wore a hairband

Matthew - And that's meant to be reassuring how?

Me - He likes girls. He's married. See there's a silver lining.

Matthew - David Beckham's so far in the closet he's found Narnia.

For the last time...he just likes to accessorize! He also likes cars and diggers and all things boyish....and he has a girlfriend!