I know everyone has those companies they deal with that when you talk to them in your head you're thinking 'that's the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard...do you think I'm an idiot??'. Mine is currently the company who is selling me my house. I would name and shame but I do want it built at some point.
I was meant to be moving in to my house in November but got a lovely letter to say that won't be happening until March. Which is nearly 2 years after I had originally signed the paperwork...lovely. So I had a 'structural appointment'...and took my dad...have to bring the muscle lol. So They tell me they need me to decide on structural alterations that day and sign the document...oh and pay...not a lot to ask really. So I say no I want to think about some of them. So they push and push and she says they need this done because they're starting the construction. To which my dad informs her we live down the road from the site and we know that they hadn't even put the sewer system in. Yeah...got her there. So she agrees I can have a week. So after a week she tells me she needs me to sign more documents and she'll send me them in an email. Funny thing is this email never arrives. So 11 days later I get the email. After I call her 3 times and leave messages and eventually get her. To make matters worse...she's really rude to me telling me how she'd sent it and I hadn't replied...only nice when she realises she messed up and never sent the email!
So you're sensing my annoyance...well she really took the biscuit when she calls 3 days after she sends the email telling me I have to send the info back today (after telling me to take my time because she was busy) and when I said I couldn't she tells me it has to be today because 'they're breaking the ground' (now haven't we heard that somewhere before). Now this is the best bit....what I'm signing and sending back to her says I want a security system and a soaker tub...now how do either of those actually affect 'breaking the ground'...my tub is on the 3rd frickin floor!! I'd be worried if that affected the breaking of the ground since I wasn't told it was gonna be on ground level.
I fail to see why the response had to be today and not monday... seriously I can tell she's lying...just sayin... *frustration*